Collection of images with the calm face of a Buddha in the process of enlightenment
I have always been fascinated by the sweet faces of the Buddhas, with their closed eyes and that immense peace that they express.
Buddha is a very fashionable pictorial subject throughout the world due to its relation to the increase of the meditation philosophies and personal development and inner peace. These are paintings with the human face close-up, a calm expression and a state of meditation. The man in serenity and inner peace.
When I discovered the great success of this type of painting, I thought it was a fashion. And all fashions are fleeting and capricious. But the pictures of Buddha or related to this process of meditation are paintings that continue to be very successful.
If what you are looking for are ideas to paint a Buddha, here you have some paintings and photographs where his face is serene and in meditation. This is the most classic and popular style. This is due to the inner peace expressed by the image with a large face in the foreground with its eyes closed and focused inward.
Paintings, sculptures and images of Buddhas with serene faces, in a meditating position

This is the Great Buddha of Kamakura, a large bronze statue located on the Kōtoku-in temple grounds. The Kōtoku-in is a Buddhist temple of the Pure Land school, located in the city of Kamakura, in the prefecture of Kanagawa, Japan.

My pictures with Buddha
I have done some pictures with the thème of Buddha.
Buddha trying to enlighten himself under the Bodhi tree

Painting titled “Buddha trying to enlighten himself under the Bodhi tree” by Cristina Alejos. Acrylic on 40 cm x 50 cm wooden board. It could be called “Buddha trying to reach Nirvana,” but enlightening seems more fun to me.
Sleeping Buddha