Materials to create textures in a painting and basic rules
There are many materials to create textures on a support and painting over. However, no single method about “How to create textures in a painting”, but there are some basic rules that will help you if you use one or another material. Rules that will get the canvas will not be dismantled with the passage of time and then, your texture, plus the apinting you make over, will continue just fine.
In addition to textures, you can create volumes and even create the exact forms of the model, that is going to be represented, in a kind of low relief that protrudes from the canvas or support.
The variety of materials to create forms and reliefs on the fabrics, or over cardboard and wood supports, is part of artistic creativity, but they also will be limited by the basic rules presented below.
* Reliefs created by Miquel Barceló, reliefs and painting mix teacher. The work is displayed in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Cathedral of Palma. Although not a relief on canvas, shows a good idea to understand how to create a meaningful relief and how to paint over to get the forms.